• Create Time: 2022-06-24
  • Update Time: 2022-06-27



New words

organellar/ˌɔrɡəˈnɛlər/Of or relating to an organelle or organellesThe genome includes chromosomal DNA as well as DNA in plasmids and (in eukaryotes) organellar DNA, as found in mitochondria and chloroplasts.
apparatus/apəˈreɪtəs/The mechanical requisites employed in scientific experiments or investigations.This, in turn, led to the discovery of the complex apparatus by which the DNA sequence of a gene determines the amino acid sequence of a polypeptide.
rigorous/ˈrɪɡ(ə)rəs/Of a rule, action, judgement, etc.: characterized by extreme strictness; harsh or severe in effect or impact; rigid, unforgiving, cruel. Now rare.Understanding the process by which a gene is expressed allows us to make a more rigorous definition of its nature.
inheritance/ɪnˈhɛrɪtəns/Natural derivation of qualities or characters from parents or ancestryThe basic pattern of inheritance of a gene was proposed by Mendel nearly 150 years ago.
paternal/pəˈtərn(ə)l/Inherited or derived from a father or the father’s side; related through a father or on the father’s side.One of the two copies of each gene is the paternal allele (inherited from the father).