• Create Time: 2022-09-12
  • Update Time: 2022-09-13



NOTE It is very possible that a sequencing provider/core may make modifications to these kits. For example, in one case we obtained RNAseq data processed with NEBNext Ultra II Directional kit (dUTP method). However instead of using the NEB hairpin adapters, IDT xGen UDI-UMI adapters were substituted, and this results in the insert strandedness being flipped  (from RF/fr-firststrand to FR/fr-secondstrand). Because this level of detail is not always provided it is highly recommended to confirm your data’s strandedness empirically.




  • read1的方向与transcript相同【forward】,read2的方向与transcript相反【reverse】(第一种)

  • read1的方向与transcript相反【reverse】,read2的方向与transcript相同【forward】(第二种)

  • read1的方向有时与transcript相同,有时相反(第三种)


  • RF=read1 reverse + read2 forward (第二种)

  • FR=read1 forward + read2 reverse (第一种)

  • F2R1 = read2 forward + read1 reverse (第二种)

  • F1R2 = read1 forward + read2 reverse (第一种)



fr-unstrandedStandard IlluminaReads from the left-most end of the fragment (in transcript coordinates) map to the transcript strand, and the right-most end maps to the opposite strand.
fr-firststranddUTP, NSR, NNSRSame as above except we enforce the rule that the **right-most end of the fragment **(in transcript coordinates) is the first sequenced (or only sequenced for single-end reads). Equivalently, it is assumed that only the strand generated during first strand synthesis is sequenced.
fr-secondstrandLigation, Standard SOLiDSame as above except we enforce the rule that the** left-most end of the fragment** (in transcript coordinates) is the first sequenced (or only sequenced for single-end reads). Equivalently, it is assumed that only the strand generated during second strand synthesis is sequenced.


ToolRF/fr-firststrand stranded (dUTP)FR/fr-secondstrand stranded (Ligation)Unstranded
check_strandedness (output)RF/fr-firststrandFR/fr-secondstrandunstranded
IGV (5p to 3p read orientation code)F2R1F1R2F2R1 or F1R2
TopHat (–library-type parameter)fr-firststrandfr-secondstrandfr-unstranded
HISAT2 (–rna-strandness parameter)R/RFF/FRNONE
HTSeq (–stranded/-s parameter)reverseyesno
STARn/a (STAR doesn’t use library strandedness info for mapping)NONENONE
Kallisto quant (parameter)–rf-stranded–fr-strandedNONE
StringTie (parameter)–rf–frNONE
FeatureCounts (-s parameter)210
RSEM (–forward-prob parameter)010.5
Salmon (–libType parameter)ISR (assuming paired-end with inward read orientation)ISF (assuming paired-end with inward read orientation)IU (assuming paired-end with inward read orientation)
Trinity (–SS_lib_type parameter)RFFRNONE
MGI CWL YAML (strand parameter)firstsecondNONE
RegTools (strand parameter)-s 1-s 2-s 0
Example methods/kits: dUTP, NSR, NNSR, Illumina TruSeq Strand Specific Total RNA, NEBNext Ultra II DirectionalExample methods/kits: Ligation, Standard SOLiD, NuGEN Encore, 10X 5’ scRNA data**Example kits/data:**Standard Illumina, NuGEN OvationV2, SMARTer universal low input RNA kit (TaKara), GDC normalized TCGA data


Kit and Strandness



  1. https://rnabio.org/module-09-appendix/0009/12/01/StrandSettings/